Monday, August 3, 2020

DPS, Trotwood, Middletown Postpones Sports; GWOC, Miami Valley League Continue on; Can You Run A Successful League During Covid-19?

In a wild week in which the Covid-19 virus forced OHSAA to make a tough decision, Dayton Public Schools, Trotwood, and Middletown Schools have all decided to postpone their fall sports, per reports this weekend.

The Health Department had given each district a Rules and Regulations Packet on what would and would not be allowed for the upcoming 2020-21 high school sports Season. 

While it was recommended that schools need to cancel or postpone their seasons if they can't adhere to the requirements,  it was and has not been mandated that they cannot play this season.

If the rules can be followed, then each district can have their season, as long as the Covid-19 outbreak is controlled by officials and the district.

With that being said, the GWOC and Miami Valley Conference have decided to continue on with all of  their fall sports for the 2020-21 season. 

While this is a tense time in U.S. history, it has been shown that if you have the resources, the organization, the time to prepare and partner up with the right Businesses?

You can possibly do a sports season under the Covid-19 effect.

We have seen both sides of how quickly the Covid-19 pendulum can swing.

Baseball, who does not work in a bubble type format, have over 25 cases within 2 Organizations after the first week. 
They have had to hold 25+ games, and now have 2 franchises who are sitting out this week in Miami Marlins and the  St Louis Cardinals, who now have multiple players and staff members with it as well.

The Marlins basically went out one night and now it has spread throughout the entire organization. 

While the MLB has 30 teams, they are already on the brink of shutting the season down unless they can get control, despite what comissioner Paul Manfred has said. 

On the flip side, organizations such as the NBA, MLS, and WNBA have all fleed to a "Bubble Style" of preparation,  and for the most part, have had good success with keeping the numbers low.

Major League Soccer had a couple of cases, which took out 2 teams early, but has had no problems in the last two weeks.

The WNBA has had very few cases as well. 

As far as the NBA, they have had cases, with big name players as well. 

While there were singular cases, they have been able to manage all the cases, and now have 0 positive tests in over 340 players after 2 solid weeks in "The Bubble."

What makes "The Bubble" so great? And why is it working to a degree? 

The NBA has done a few things that other sports could take ideas from. And the NBA watched the TBT, the 1 Million dollar winner take all open Tournament held in Columbus, Ohio just a couple weeks ago.

What have the NBA and other sports done to keep Covid-19 numbers down?

  • They monitor players on and off court with a pager style buzzer that lets executives and officials know if players are too close to other people.

  •  Testing on a daily basis. 

  •  Not letting people in or out of bubble. Once your out, you're out and have to quarantine for 10 days to get back in.

while there are other protocols, these are some the keys to being able to run a successful League in such a anxious time.  

And while testing daily and weekly could be a problem financially for high school districts, it's irrelevant when it comes to pro sports. 

So how could a high school be responsible and have a sports season? 

There are a couple ways that High School sports could have a season, albeit will be with cautious optimism.  

(1) Create a "Bubble Style" Atmosphere
While creating the Bubble Style Atmosphere that the pros have is not likely or a exact science, you can create a similar atmosphere within your own organizations.
Keep student athletes separated from other people, but within the confines of the team restrictions. So, in essesnce, stay away from general public, most friends and family as well.

(2) Test Weekly  

(3) Partner with local Covid-19 Testing agcenies who can help with testing. 

(4) Find a Campus or a Location that could hold the amount of kids for the League you are running. Bring in the people who could keep kids fed, and make sure that the social distancing and testing measures are available as well.

(5) Give Each Athlete a Waiver form
While this is not the most popular choice, it might be the best choice for this year.
At the end of the day, the kids and parents are responsible for their own future. And sports has provided opportunities unlike anything else has. 

With Spring sports being cancelled last season and Fall Sports on its heels?

There's not many options left on the table.
Did DPS react too soon or did they do what was ethically right and be the trendsetters?  

Only time will tell.

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